One Move Ahead: Finding Hope and Strength in J6 Adversity

So often in life, we have felt cornered, victimized, betrayed by those closest to us, and targeted. When I served my time in prison for J6, I played a lot of chess. I lost a lot; the men there had years of study, read all the books, learned so many moves; they would crush me in minutes. But I never gave up, never gave in, and kept fighting for those wins. Out of the hundreds of games I played, I only won three times. Sometimes all I had was one move, and that was all I needed to win and crush them in return. I came to this conclusion, that whatever situation, whatever circumstance, whatever I may have gotten myself into, the King over all the universe still had one more move. I came out of prison with hope, joy, strength, and unwavering faith that God could turn this around, and that all hope is not lost. It is not over, and we can come back stronger than we ever were, and success can be our sweet revenge. This is a message to all the other J6ers out there: don’t give up, don’t give in, and hold on to the light.

The Patriotic Poet

Staff Writer