Austin Equity vs. The State of Texas
George Soros Pumps Money Into Austin Equity Groups To De-fund Police As Homicides Hit All Time High!
Rally Against Texas Legislation and Austin's Prop A was held on 9/11 at the Texas State Capitol
Austin Equity groups and Black Lives activists continue to hammer the Austin Police Department and wage political warfare with Save Austin Now for public safety measures in the Music City. It is so bad, the damage so great, that Austin is down 150 officers.
Criminals are fully aware and essentially green-lighted for hit-and-run crime of all types. Austin's homicide rate is at an all time high after the City Council de-funded the police.
Austin also passed critical race theory resolutions acknowledging, apologizing for, and promising to pay reparations to the black community for claims of systemic racism and white supremacy. It is pure Marxist dialectic and mass line strategy.
Austin citizens who are uneducated on detecting Marxist infiltration were blindsided. They easily capitulated to the empathy and bully tactics to avoid being called racist and white supremacists, and shamed on local mainstream media. It has worked and is not going away. Read: Austin's Canceled Culture, When Equity Rules The Music City.
As of October 1st, Austin Police will no longer respond to crimes not in progress including residential burglaries, animal services, theft, and "verbal disturbances" because, they are no longer considered emergencies.
Who is responsible for such an achievement? It's a long story with many moving parts. Here is an update of current events.
The Non-profit, Austin Justice Coalition, hosted a rally and gathering at the Texas State Capitol on 9/11 - "The People vs The State of Texas, a rally for our lives, our bodies, our right to be". They reverently opened the rally with a beautiful indigenous call to the four directions followed by musical artist performances and speakers, some of whom acknowledged the victims of the 9/11 terror, but also stated that 9/11/2001 was the day Islamophobia started terrorizing American Muslims.
Progressive groups and speakers that demand equity for blacks spoke against the recent blows to their agenda by the Texas Legislation and Save Austin Now, a viable counter grass roots organization.
Other demands regarded that critical race theory be made a public school curriculum requirement equal in status to math, science, and reading along with prison and criminal justice reforms and abolishing the police. They opposed Governor Greg Abbott's legislation to penalize municipalities that cut police funding.
They rallied against the Texas Legislative Session passing of a "heartbeat bill" which sent a shock-wave across the nation angering progressives and abortion rights activists.
-AJC founder, Chas Moore advocates for the demise of the two-party political system and the destruction of capitalism - core Marxist principles.
AJC's Chris Harris, a long time prison and criminal justice reform advocate in Austin, underscored that Texas Legislators commit violence against persons of color through measures intended to isolate and increase poverty, impose restrictions designed to continue black enslavement, and perpetuate deeply embedded systemic and institutionalized racism.
Harris claimed that prisoners suffer in the Texas heat without air conditioning and are removed from sight to be forgotten under a system that treats them with zero humanity.
Austin's main event fight, however, is the "Re-imagining Public Safety" campaign. Equity Marxists, Maoists, and Black Lives Matter activists in Austin have wielded unprecedented influence and leverage over Austin's City Council and Mayor Steve Adler.
Austin Justice Coalition's members and its founder Chas Moore successfully cemented a de-fund the police template that is enjoying national impact. Austin's City Council capitulated to the activists' demands and among other destructive things, cut police funding by one-third.
The result was an immediate sharp rise in violent crime. It would appear there is no coincidence that homicides in Austin have surged frighteningly out of control.
Mass Shooting
After Austin's City Council "re-imagined" its policing, the mounted police were removed from normal patrol on iconic Sixth Street and were not present during a mass shooting this past summer on a packed Saturday night. A white 25-year-old male was killed, a young mother of five paralyzed, and over a dozen others were severely injured.
Moore released a self-serving, written statement claiming a mounted police presence would not have made any difference as more police does not result in crime reduction. Moore has taken stabs at Austin's music scene before - referring to the venues as "your little hippy bars".
White cops killing persons of color was met in 2020 with outrageous rioting, rallies, and resolutions. Alternatively, an epidemic of cop killings was ignored. Blacks committing crimes in Austin seems to warrant little media attention or public outcry in comparison.
Austin's Mayor Steve Adler kneels at a 2020 BLM and AJC event during strict COVID social distancing protocol
Adler's response to the horrific violent crime wave was to compare Austin with other "big cities" declaring that Austin remains comparatively safe.
Adler's definition of “safe” apparently is to be in lockstep with the Left agenda. He frequently tweets about equity and his social media, especially Facebook, is overwhelmingly branded with "wear a mask" and "get vaccinated" campaigns, and reporting COVID deaths in nightly videos. Adler hammered the COVID narrative, excusing and negating any fallout from the damage done by his own policies.
Control of the public consciousness and compliance with COVID mandates appeared to be Adler's primary objective.
Meanwhile, Austin police officers were repeatedly humiliated and brutalized in 2019 and 2020. Chief Manley eventually resigned along with 150 officers leaving for one reason or another. Loud complaints from police associations seemingly only played the part of a controlled opposition as none to little meaningful action to stop any of this was undertaken. The main stream media highlighted every moment. The Austin public certainly knew but few have mobilized to act, with the exception of a local proud boy and a biker club who had the guts to face off in the streets with the rioters.
Save Austin Now took notice of the obvious decline in Austin and steep rise in crime and stepped in to try and stop the bleeding. Save Austin Now advocates for public safety through a strong, funded police force and responded with a viable public awareness effort.
SAN obtained 30,000 petition signatures and placed Prop A on the ballot which purports to end the cuts to public safety funding. The progressive opponents claim Prop A is intentionally confusing, isn't police reform, and will harm social services, pools and parks. Each accuse the other of disinformation and lies.
Chas Moore plays the race card at the Barton Springs Rally October 2021, Austin, Texas and is joined by the Equity PAC
Moore's work and persona have placed him front and center of the national police abolitionist movement. He collaborates with other black rights groups around Texas claiming that embedded systemic racism is oppressive, violent, and disproportionately imprisons black and brown people.
Moore has ratcheted back his white privilege rhetoric since the 2020 Brionna Taylor March and claimed at the 9/11 rally that it isn't white people that are the problem, but white supremacy. Moore, who has a Class 2 felony for robbery, an assault charge, and an alcohol charge, claims he had to drop out of the University of Texas more than once because he "couldn't concentrate in a room full of white kids".
Criminal record aside, AJC's efforts have been rewarded with a reported $2.6+ Million in funding from several power sources including George Soros of The Open Society Foundations.
Soros' recent donation of $500,000 to the Equity PAC made national news and has drawn much criticism.
Austin Equity PAC
Organized by Kathy Mitchell of Just Liberty, the PAC reveals a powerful collective reflecting a plethora of causes versus the single issue focus of Save Austin Now.
The once vibrant Music City's Sixth Street lost its iconic world stage status during the summer of 2020 police riots and COVID shut downs. Yet, what was allowed were police escorted Maoist Red Guards marching in the streets with distorted bullhorns yelling "fuck the police" and "all cops are bastards". Sixth Street was lost to mass shootings, gang gun fights, and machete attacks. It lost to black male homosexuals having anal sex right out on a downtown sidewalk in broad daylight.
Austin also lost to a homeless population explosion when Mayor Steve Adler lifted the camping ban creating a filthy and dangerous crisis city wide. Mayor Adler claimed it was good for Austin to see the homeless, but it was at the expense of the greater good of the public.
Tent cities sprang up from police headquarters, along waterfront property at Town Lake, allocated in parking lots, and numerous green spaces. Freeway underpasses burned with a reported six toxic fires per day and mountains of trash filled the city.
Save Austin Now stepped in with Prop B to reinstate the public camping ban which was hotly contested by Austin's Democratic Socialists and coalition equity groups. Random Marxists patrolled the City Hall tent city to complaints of harassment by the campers and a Black Lives Matter buss parked right up on City Hall grounds.
Austin voted and passed the Proposition. The City then enacted a physical process of removing the health hazard camps and occupants with heavy equipment, trucks and citations. Adler's years of procrastinated efforts and sentiment about relocating and caring for the homeless equitably now drifts into the solutions' dust bin.
AJC's Chris Harris retorted the homeless are ousted back into the woods to be neither seen nor heard, same as prison.
Equity and CRT are siblings in the Marxist playbook. Joyce James is a retired Texas employee whose career was in Child Protective Services. She now operates a consulting business teaching critical race theory and undoing racism. Austin City Council entered into a $2.9 million dollar contract with James for her services through 2024 to evaluate, document and eliminate racial inequities in the Austin Police Department.
Then Interim Chief Joseph Chacon emailed that he looked forward to working with the Re-imagining Public Safety Task Force members, and shared their expectations for a newly developed police department and a re-imagined training academy.
One month after James' contract date, a detailed complaint was issued to Chacon from a student. The student complained he would not publicly agree to a contract affirming with critical race theory and institutional racism ideologies, nor was he in agreement with a "Vegas Rule" scenario. James reportedly made attendees feel the environment was becoming hostile and stated that whomever could not agree with the contract had to leave the class. The student was removed.
The equity and critical race theory module was also used as a requirement for Austin music venues applying for COVID relief funds. Applicants receiving money were required to sit through undoing racism and equity classes, submit to financial and other types of scrutiny, and be score-carded on their white privilege. Read: Austin's Canceled Culture, When Equity Rules The Music City.
All across the nation Americans are hip to the critical race theory hammer. They are simply not down for it and are fighting back.
Back at the 9/11 rally, angry counter protestors make a scene
Texas is a permitless carry state and while long sticks attached to signs are not allowed on the Capitol grounds, one can open carry a handgun. This man charged up to the podium area when Chas Moore was speaking and loudly projected his opposition to pro-abortion and police de-funding groups. He made quite a scene, at one point removing his gun and tossing it to the ground while ranting off to the side of the event. Capitol police responded with a calm semi-circle as the man threw his arms up and claimed that he was grateful to God that the leftists lost during the legislative session and that babies wouldn't be murdered in the State of Texas.
Chas Moore backed away from the podium when the man approached, and later stated that although he doesn't believe police are needed, he was glad they were there to protect his first amendment rights that day and it was only fair to recognize them. Oh the irony!
While the counter protest is the American way and always brings an air of excitement to any rally, this rant is exactly the type of aggression that the left uses to foment their claims regarding white domestic terrorists. The mainstream media eats it up. By all accounts in the current climate, these two could be defectively labeled extremists. Yet to them and tens of millions of other Americans, they are constitutional conservatives preserving this country from a Marxist enemy.
According to The Daily Signal, in 2020, Austin cut $21.5 million from the police budget andshifted another $128 million to other departments which resulted in dissolving some police units and canceling cadet classes. Austin's homicide rate thereafter increased by 44% with 60 homicides occurring so far in 2021, the highest since 1984. Police retirements increased by 65% and resignations increased by 63%.
Responding to Greg Abbott's June 2021 legislation that slaps Texas cities who de-fund police, Austin City Council voted not only to re-fund, but to increase to a $443 million budget.
The Re-imagining Public Safety Task Force claims that more police really reflects bigger government and does not impact increasing crime rates. According to Kathy Mitchell, crime is simply just increasing everywhere. The equity activists advocate monies be routed to mental healthcare and other social services to address violent crime in black and brown communities.
Due to the loss of officers and the elimination of units, the public was given notice that police will not be responding to a series of "non-emergency calls" traditionally responded to by our civil servants including domestic disputes with those calls now handled by "social workers". Austin citizens are being asked to call 311 or use an online platform to report crimes no longer in process, when the suspect has left the scene, and when there is no immediate threat to life or property.
Non-emergencies include animal services; attempted theft of property; burglary of a residence, vehicle or business; non injury traffic; COVID 19 violations; verbal disturbances; prostitution; suspicious person or vehicle; and theft.
In other words, if the crime has already been committed DO NOT CALL US. The green light is on for criminals to commit home invasions and all types of street robberies and then flee the scene. The citizens must protect and defend themselves.
OPINION: While there are many charitable non-profits with sincere intentions, Moore's goal is to abolish police because "we do not need them". He exploits a vision of an equitable utopia where whites relinquish wealth to blacks. His vision is impossible and not because of white supremacy and oppression, but because of domestic and foreign crime and terrorism.
How will social workers deal with sex trafficking, the cartels, transnational organized crime or terrorism? How far will the money go now that our country is being invaded with hundreds ofthousands of needy people crowding into black and brown communities? How will they solve all the gun crime? How will they deal with all the gangs who profit by drugs and murder?
Does Moore believe that people will fall in line with the Marxist ideology he is selling to imagine a world without police and society will just evolve? The millions of dollars will likely reflect in non-profit salaries as well as accelerate the mission.
Austin's increased violent crime cannot be excused away or minimized as normal for a big city. It is simply unacceptable.
"Terror is just part and parcel of living in a big city".
Sadiq Khan, Pakistani Mayor of London
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