Cop26 2021 Clown Show in Glasgow
“All the world is a stage” William Shakespeare - 1564-1616
“There’s a sucker born every minute” P. T. Barnum - 1810-1891
Some of the faces who could have pivotal roles at Cop26 - should they attend. Composite: Agencies
If British playwright William Shakespeare and American showman P.T. Barnum collaborated, the resulting theatrical production very well could be the UN “climate change” circus otherwise known as Cop26.
On 31 October 2021 the Cop26 circus is coming to my Glasgow backyard.
It’s coming not with horses and riders doing tricks, nor with trapeze artists flying through the air “with the greatest of ease” performing death defying feats with ooohhs and ahhhs from the crowd straining their necks to look up, but with clowns.
Lots and lots of clowns from around the globe. Very famous and distinguished clowns, but clowns nonetheless like UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the Queen and her side-kick son Prince Charles, Sir David Attenborough (“Sir” not Sire because Sire is so Middle Ages, but they think titles of nobility still matter), the completely fabricated face of “global warming”, Greta Thunberg, the Pope (hashtag #notmypope) and the biggest joke of a US President, Joe Biden, to name a few.
With showmanship extraordinaire, these clowns will advance the indoctrination and climate change agenda under the guise of global warming. Don’t tell these Green Marxist zealots that in the late 1800s, Australia was hotter than it is now. Don’t remind them that in the Middle Ages, we in the UK were growing grapes in our vineyards.
Certainly don’t remind them that the Barrier Reef replenishes itself and don’t suggest that especially if you are a university professor in Australia because you will be fired as was Marine Physicist Peter Ridd. Ridd blew the cover on the “Great Barrier Reef’s record coral cover” from the study by the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network that cherry-picked data during a downward trending 2018, but failed to acknowledge that the current coral cover is at a record high. As reported by the Bolt Report in an interview with Ridd, “climate scientists shift the goal posts” to fit their narrative.
The clowns at Cop26 will meet breathing oxygen produced by trees that have always, throughout the ages, turned CO2 into oxygen with no global initiative interference. In an act of hypocritical elitist altruism, they will propose more restrictions, more regulations, and mounds more of cow manure gas and bullshit narratives to eliminate carbon emissions.
It’s all really smoke and mirrors to gain more control and make citizens less free.
If you doubt the seriousness of these C0p26 clowns to seize their elitist tyranny ushered in as Climate Change, look no further than the past two year’s opening act on the world stage: The Plandemic.
Debuting in January 2020, Covid 19 theatre opened in every country and was relentlessly promoted by bought and paid for politicians, by lying media, and by humanity’s worst but the globalist’s best brand ambassador celebrities. The Plandemic was packed with riveting drama, twists and turns: lock down-mask up, social distance, close non-essentials, and fear porn galore. It’s the new plague! Bring out your dead!
They say pay no attention to the whistleblower medical doctors and real scientific data experts pulling back the curtain. But do pay attention to the rare moments of truth by our very own Boris Johnson who went on morning prime time TV in the UK saying Covid has a 99.9% recovery rate.
These clowns even downgraded the damn disease from highly infectious to not so much. Boris shrugged and suggested that the Wu-hoo flu just might be a common cold curable by time-tested therapeutics.
But don’t let that get out. The Plandemic show must go on!
And what a great run! The global China flu farce was a wildly successful three-ring circus of lockdowns, masks, and vaxs. Your ticket into the The Greatest Deception Show on Earth is the remarkable, traceable, and irreversible double jab vaccine passport.
UN Cop26 climate summit is the peak of the hill they intend humanity to die on. Not them, us. Depopulation is very much an underlying theme to their agenda.
While the world grew weary of endless, messy, and costly wars (although hugely profitable for the elitists and military industrial complexes, which is why we have them), the eugenicists like Boris Johnson’s father, Stanley, who stated in a 2012 interview that he believed the UK population should be 15 million down from 70 million, a bio weapon created in a Wuhan lab served as an effective alternative to bullets and bombs.
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The globalist clowns must be giddy getting ready for Cop26 2021 now that President Trump is out of their way. Trump not only pulled America out of the Middle East manufactured conflicts, he boldly put the kibosh on the phony and expensive (especially for the US taxpayers) UN Paris Climate Agreement.
Also attending Cop26 is John Kerry, US’s Obama clown (and Hanoi Jane’s old mate), who jet-sets around the globe burning through more fuel in a year than most of the world’s population will ever use in their lifetime. According the The Guardian, we can hardly doubt that Kerry and his cronies are salivating at the thought of “Cop26: world poised for big leap forward on climate crisis”.
I am not buying what these clowns are selling and neither should you. In 1992, William Jasper wrote, Global Tyranny… Step by Step: The United Nations and the Emerging New World Order outlining their very calculated long game agenda. Despite the hoopla and fanfare that the media around the world will give Cop26, there is nothing funny nor entertaining about a one world government.
So, do grab your popcorn, but not for the clowns. Turn off the BBC and instead turn the pages of Rupert’s Tyranny: Exposing the Totalitarian Roots of the Climate Industrial Complex. Tune out the Marxist “useful idiot” impatient climate protesters in the streets who Prince Charles touts that he “totally understands”. They are all part of the Grand Show.
And remember, “there’s no business, like [Green] show business.”